I wrote about the Transfer Tax back in March and in one of my first posts was about Measure P, so I just thought I should continue to update how much money the "Tax" is generating throughout the year. First the disclosure: all of the numbers reflect residential housing sales recorded on the MLS. Commercial building and private sales are not included so the numbers are higher than reported. The intent is to get a reflection of what is happening.
Sales were up this past year, but the total dollars spent on homes was down, (See yesterday’s post) and if the council had not changed the transfer tax they would have seen more than a $50,000 decline in the transfer tax.
From January 1 to December 31, 2009, there were 492 sales that represent over $278,995,615 million dollars in transactions. Under the newly enacted $12 per $1,000 the transfer tax generated $3,347,947 in revenue. If the Council had not made the change ($5.40 per $1,000) the revenue would have been $1,506,576; a difference of $1,841,371.
The final quarter of the year made a huge difference in the amount of money generated for the city coffers. Over a million dollars was generated by the tax in the final three months. October alone generated over $500,000.
Given all the factors putting pressure on the housing market foreclosure, a soft job market, tight lending and scared buyers/sellers the impact is has been harsh in the number of sales and the revenue generated.In the last blog post I said that in the short-term the tax may be one more factor for people not to buy, but given the stress on the City’s General Fund the tax may have been a necessary step. I think that this continues to be true.
I followed this topic for a year, instead of a quarterly update I will be changing to a semi-annual.
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